Heading for The Peak

As you climb your mountain - it's a struggle - the climb's too slow - you're weary - why are you doing this - why isn't somebody else here alongside supporting you - are you ever going to get there - will it be where you want to be anyway.
BUT just take a glance back and consider how much you have achieved - you'll be surprised at just how far you've come already.  You've got further than you realised, than you'd ever had imagined, and you've learned so much on the way.
What is this saying to you? Are your expectations of yourself greater than your expectations of others?
Are you leading along your chosen path - or just going on that direction maybe because it's what's expected of you - by others?  Take a moment to stop and consider - what am I aiming for - am I taking the right path - what help do I need to achieve the goal?  Ask for that help whilst you're in a strong position - don't wait till disaster looms.    PREPARE - PLAN  - GO AHEAD